Saturday, February 27, 2010

2nd sunday of Lent

Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18

God’s pact with Abram

Then Yahweh brought him outside and said to him “Look at the sky and count the stars if you can. Your descendants will be like that. Abraham believed Yahweh who, because of this, held him to be an upright man. And he said “I am Yahweh who brought you from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land as this possession.”
Then Abram asked, “My Lord, how am I to know that it shall be mine? “Yahweh replied “Bring me a three year old Heifer, a three year old goat, a three year old ram, a turtle dove and a young pigeon”. Abram brought all these animals, cut them in two and laid each half facing its other half, but he did not cut the birds in half. The birds of prey came down upon them, but Abram drove them away. As the sun was going down, deep sleep came over Abram and a dreadful darkness took hold of him.
When the sun had set and darkness had fallen, a smoking firepot and a flaming torch passed between halves of the victims. On that day Yahweh made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your descendants I have given this country from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.

Philippians 3:17 4:1

Unite in imitating me, brothers and sisters, and look at those who walk in our way of life. For many lives as enemies of the cross of Christ, I have said it to you many times, and now I repeat it with tears: they are heading for ruin; their belly is their God and they feel proud of what should be their shame. They only think of earthly things. For us our citizenship is in heaven, from where we wait the coming of our savior, Jesus Christ, the Lord. He will transfigure our lowly body, making like his own body, radiant in glory, through the power which is his to submit everything to himself. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, whom I love and long for, you my glory and crown, be steadfast in the Lord.

Luke 9:28-36

The transfiguration

About eight days, after Jesus had said all this, he took Peter, John and James and went up the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the aspect of his face was changed and his clothing become dazzling white. Two men were talking to Jesus: Moses and Elijah. They had just appeared in heavenly glory and were telling him about his departure that had to take place in Jerusalem.
Peter and his companions had fallen asleep, but they awoke suddenly and saw Jesus ‘Glory and the two men standing with him. As Moses and Elijah were about to leave, Peter said to him “Master how good it is for us to be here for we can make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one foe Elijah. “For Peter did not know what to say. And no sooner had he spoken than a cloud appeared and covered them; and the disciples were afraid as they entered the cloud. “This is my son, my Chosen one, listen to him.” And after the voice had spoken, Jesus was there alone.
The disciples kept this to themselves at the time, telling no one of anything they had seen.

Questions for reflection:

1. Who do you go to when you feel burdened?
2. How optimistic are you when an approaching storm is coming in your life?

Jesus was foretold of his death before it came. He was visited by the Moses and Elijah, maybe to give moral support considering that he still has his human weakness. In spite of the anxiety, he offered everything to his father and let His will be done.
A lot of times in our life, we undergo problems and obstacles. Sometimes we almost felt so tired that we wonder if these hardships are necessary. We ask ourselves if we really have to experience all the pains and sufferings. Like a charcoal which underwent a lot of pressure for a long time to be a diamond, great people are product of hardships, pain and sufferings. Everything that happens in our life has a purpose. It may not be discernible at present but afterwards we’ll find out why.

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